The Biosphere Institute is guided by the understanding that as a community, we have the capability and responsibility to create enduring change for our world.

our mission

The Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley empowers community leadership to address environmental challenges.

our Vision

Residents and visitors of the Bow Valley are actively engaged to ensure a thriving ecosystem – now, and in the future.



our Roles

To deliver on mission, BIBV takes on the following roles in the community:

  1. Deliver Programs

    We deliver a suite of education and outreach programs connected to climate, wildlife, and other environmental topics, guided by our engagement pathway.

  2. Convene the Community

    We facilitate interaction, networking and sharing as we work inclusively with different sectors, seeking a collective impact in our work together as we galvanize and accelerate progress on environmental goals.

  3. Connect the Community

    We provide people and organizations with tools, resources, and guidance that sustains them and builds their influence and efficacy. We act as a community hub, connecting organizations and individuals to one another, and sharing our materials and resources with community members.



our Guiding Principles

To deliver on mission, BIBV takes on the following roles in the community.

  1. Collaborate with others 

    To increase our impact and broaden our reach, we strategically collaborate with others around our program areas, as we leverage volunteers and work with other organizations to ensure we fill a unique niche.

  2. Evidence-based 

    We ensure that our work is informed by the latest science and social science research and best practices.

  3. Advocate for the environment 

    We take an evidence-based approach in our advocacy, striving for a positive frame for this work as we encourage environmental best practices.

  4. Seek multi-solving solutions

    Even as we champion the environment we embrace holistic and equitable “Yes, and” solutions that address and solve multiple and interwoven problems in the environmental, social, and economic realms.  

  5. Equity, diversity, and inclusion

    These concepts are foundational to our work and we consistently review projects, programs, policies, and plans through this lens.

  6. Value Indigenous Perspectives

    We strive to involve and consider local Indigenous land ethic and knowledge as we do our work.  

  7. Curriculum connected

    We situate our K-12 education programs in the Alberta Programs of Study, and explore the interconnections between subject areas.    

  8. Empower community 

    We grow the capacity of individuals and organizations by developing opportunities to take personal and collective action on environmental issues.

  9. Help others take action

    We consistently develop opportunities for well-informed positive action at the personal or system level, be it with program attendees or partner organizations.

  10. Help others develop their leadership  

    We consistently seek to incubate, facilitate, and encourage environmental leadership by individuals or organizations.

  11. Evaluate our success

    We identify and measure key indicators of success to support program evaluation.  We report our findings to stakeholders, and integrate what we learn into our work to ensure evidence-based continuous improvement of our programs.  



To deliver on our mission, Our efforts include three core programs: the WildSmart Community Program, Bow Valley Shift: Climate Transitions program, and Future Leaders youth education program. We also serve as a citizens’ community hub.