E3 Resources — Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley

Next Earth Talk: “Environmental Justice and Affordability in the Bow Valley” on Monday, March 17 at 7pm. Click here to register for free!

residential renewable energy solutions

This presentation was designed to showcase residential renewable energy options available to Bow valley residents. The evening included presentations from specialists on geothermal, solar rental and storage systems. Local residents with renewable energy systems and the presenters were on hand to answer audience questions one-on-one and the Town of Canmore announced their 2020 municipal solar rebate program.

efficient heating and cooling for your home

This presentation was designed to showcase efficient heating and cooling options for Bow Valley residents. The evening included presentations on heating and cooling technology from SAIT and HSS Design Build on design and passive solutions. The presentations were followed by a panel Q&A session hosted by the presenters and local industry contractors.

Energy Efficiency Financing Solutions

This presentation was designed to explore residential financing options for deep energy retrofits available to Bow Valley residents. The evening included presentations from a local financial advisor, a residential energy auditor and Energy Efficiency Alberta on the topic of the Clean Energy Improvement Program (CEIP).

This project was made possible by a grant from Energy Efficiency Alberta